My love/hate relationship with my hyper-pigmentation


Hyper-pigmentation, a fancy word for those brown spots on your face.  Mine are freckles and birth mark.  I have a spot on my chin.  When I was first born my mom thought it was dirt, and tried to wipe it off my face.  (thanks MOM!)  I never paid it attention until lately.  It seems to be getting worse.  My husband says he likes it…I think it makes me look old.  So in honor of up coming Summer, I’m going to try a few home remedies to see if I can at least lighten it a little.   The sun is going to make them worse so I figure better get a head start….

I came across some remedies here.  So basically my face is going to look like a salad for the next few weeks.  We’ll see if anything  works. I’ll let you know how it goes.

3 thoughts on “My love/hate relationship with my hyper-pigmentation

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